4 Rocky Knob AVA Wineries Cling to the Blue Ridge

4 Rocky Knob AVA Wineries Cling to the Blue Ridge

Rocky Knob AVA wineries (American Viticultural Area)are clustered along Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountain Range, close to the Blue Ridge Parkway. If this is your first time visiting the East Coast, for good times and great wine, I have three words for you:  Blue...

20 Ultimate Delicious Halloween Candy Wine Pairings

20 Ultimate Delicious Halloween Candy Wine Pairings

The Ultimate Halloween Candy Wine Pairings: red wine and chocolate kisses © Jo Clark Get Your Fright On! You have to try Halloween candy wine pairings. Wait. WHAT??!! Halloween candy and WINE?? Yep, that’s what I said! It will rock your world!...

Roanoke VA – Visit the Glowing Star City of the South

Roanoke VA – Visit the Glowing Star City of the South

Roanoke is the largest city and largest municipality in Southwest Virginia, and it is often called the Star City of the South—it has a nice ring to it, right? While Mill Mountain, crowned with a star, surrounds the city like a big blue hug, wrapping its arms around the Roanoke Valley. And that enormous star is right up there to remove any doubt about where you are!

Peter Cottontail Cocktail

Peter Cottontail Cocktail

This is a great cocktail to make in advance. Have a pitcher filled and cold. You can even "paint" the rim in advance and dip in coconut, since the fluff is so thick and sticky, it won't run down the glass. Then when your guests arrive, just pour the cocktail into...

Peter Cottontail Cocktail

This is a great cocktail to make in advance. Have a pitcher filled and cold. You can even "paint" the rim in advance and dip in coconut, since the fluff is so thick and sticky, it won't run down the glass. Then when your guests arrive, just pour the cocktail into...

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